counting each phone carrier in jordan

there are 45 wrong phone number

and there are 3099794 correct phone number

a pie chart of the three phone carriers in jordan

there are 11667 unique religion valuea, not unique really, just the spelling or the languge used

the below script shows that the unique values have reduced from 11667 to 421 with around 400 contributing to 1.5% of total records. these 1.5% are different spelling, languages and phrases.

logarithmic scale, graph could be deceiving, islam has 94.853% of the not nan religion values

top 20 most common names as they are without cleaning, mohamed for example appeared 3 times in top 20, two times written in different ways in english and once in arabic. and some are not considered first names more like part of a nickname, in arabic fathers are called with "father of eldest son name"; in the data first name is roughly translated "father of" ... "mother of" is in top 20 also

strings without year were suffexed by the year 2020 because there is a leap year date "02/29"

concatenate the modified dates with the ones with year

decided to not include the dates that were missing years

As shown in the heatmap there was a preference for birthdays with repeted numbers like 1/1 2/2 3/3 .... because of the way they sound including the first of each month and the end of the year

with less preference but still noticable on 21/1 , 22/2 , 23/3 , 24/4 , ....

Feb 14 : valentines's Day, Nov 14 : children's Day, Mar 21 : Mother's Day